Saturday, March 31, 2007

Duct Tape and, Evolution is Politics


I know, like every good, red-blooded, American male that you need two things to make really tough things stick together in the face of impossible circumstances: Duct-tape, preferably lots of it, and MacGuyver on hand in case you don't remember how to do it without a ball-point pen and paper-clip. Newsweek seems, unfortunately, to have neither. And unfortunately neither do many Christians. In this absence, those writing the article and some it is writing of only demonstrate exactly what evolution truly is: A "political" decision in beliefs, one that retains its commitment not to science or even reasonable thought but one that will vote for anything (or against anything) as long as it isn't for a Creator God that could hold us all responsible! Upon reading a recent article over at Newsweek entitled: God's Numbers I was struck by two things. First, the subline has an odd "also." Second, the conclusion other stats in the article seem to make of Christians is also "odd."

"The latest NEWSWEEK poll shows that 91 percent of American adults surveyed believe in God—and nearly half reject the theory of evolution. Also, Americans on John Edwards and the Senate's goal for troop withdrawal."
I must admit I am struck by the staggering numbers that are listed there but struck even more by the absence of any discussion concerning the facts that seem to support such large numbers. How could anyone record,

"Nearly half (48 percent) of the public rejects the scientific theory of evolution; one-third (34 percent) of college graduates say they accept the Biblical account of creation as fact. Seventy-three percent of Evangelical Protestants say they believe that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years; 39 percent of non-Evangelical Protestants and 41 percent of Catholics agree with that view."

and not do a little digging on why so many are convinced of the faults in the theory of macro-Evolution? Where is the discussion about the giant of Evolution teetering at the top of an ill-defensible beanstalk? Where is the investigation of the many scientists, philosophers and theologians all standing at the bottom of the stalk pointing at its shallow roots speaking of its impending fall? That is regardless of the fact that, any little boy (or girl) armed with the axe of
thermodynamics could chop it down with one swing. Can you see anyone trying to quickly unfurl as much Duct tape around the falling base of that vine? Is MacGuyver there? No, he is too smart for that. What is it that almost fifty-percent of the public sees that Newsweek won't investigate? Give me a break. Is there nothing more interesting about the decay of evolutionary explanations in every realm of science and the consistent juggernaut of Scriptural testament marching over it with the combined and the consistent models for a lawgiver in the realm of natural laws and the mass of people who believe so in one fashion or another? Should it be quickly left with an "also?" Where's the integrity? But of course, that is the issue. This isn't an issue of integrity, evolutionary debate hasn't been for a long time. Perhaps it was early on--Darwin sure said so enough times. His consistent expectations that he could be disproved over the thinnest of arguments is well known. He knew the beanstalk was thin! Yet, the allegiance of the world is not to evolution, it is a political decision to be loyal to anything but God. Romans 1:18 and following makes that clear if one would read it... (Romans 1) Evolution really isn't about science, it is about politics and voting for any idea that would proffer even the thinnest excuse for a life without a responsibility to a Creator God.

(See an interesting article by Edward Humes, writing for the LA Times, as he tries to brush off evolutionary challenges with a re-invention of its definition-something
he accuses those proposing intelligent design of doing. Note his "absense" of presuppositional bias in the title of his book the article refers to in header. His effort at justifying macro-evolution by referring to micro-evolutionary proofs is like trying to explain the speed and nature of stellar light by watching the lights on a Christmas tree flicker in a dim living room. Insufficient, even if they seem to relate doesn't begin to describe it. The truth is he himself is joining in the "dumbing down of kill it." Look for the line where he says: the "real" evolution, "does not try
to explain how life originated — that remains a mystery. The truth is that many scientists accept evolution and believe in God.")

Why? why, why, why? This tragic irony in both articles mentioned impresses me with a second, even stranger thing. Strange, not because it was unexpected but because it should appear so to anyone reading. The Newsweek article says:

"A belief in God and an identification with an organized religion are widespread throughout the country, according to the latest NEWSWEEK poll. Nine in 10 (91 percent) of American adults say they believe in God and almost as many (87 percent) say they identify with a specific religion. Christians far outnumber members of any other faith in the country, with 82 percent of the poll’s respondents identifying themselves as such."
I like to tease math teachers about "when are we ever going to use the stuff?" but I would like to demonstrate it now for those watching as I actually just like the teasing and use it all the time, of course. Her we go: 90 percent of Americans believe in God with 82 percent claiming to be Christian. (I am not going to debate labels versus actual citizenship in the universal invisible body of Christ--just go with the numbers for now, its math!) And, 48 percent of the total disbelieve in evolution. That means, discluding the overlap of those from the ten-twenty percent that aren't Christian, there are a lot of Christians that remain in their insecurity concerning Genesis and actually believe in an evolutionary model of Creation despite the current teetering of the theory in general! The only question is why? There are now Christians holding onto something that a large percentage of top-of-their-field scientists question, and some aren't ev
en Christian! I find it incredibly strange that such a large percentage of Christians, even those labeled "Evangelical Protestants" (about thirty percent,) don't feel more comfortable sticking with the revelation of God starting with the first book of the Bible and the first line, "In the Beginning God created the Heavens and Earth." What is it that almost fifty percent of the public (including some "Christians") do not see? Why wouldn't they do the same digging that the Newsweek writers wouldn't? Could this be politics as well? It ought not to be.

Consider the words of Romans 1 again, yet only a few verses prior to the verse I pointed to prior, verses 16-17: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” It is the power of God! I am missing the politics there. Keep in mind the context then of the very next verse and its contrast! It is the wrath of God revealed from heaven against those who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. Would any believer want to put that "old man" from which he was saved, back on? Yeah, I will stir the pot and say it- Christ died for such unrighteousness!
The response of the believer is to be the opposite. In fact, 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." As Romans 1:16-17 points out, our God is not only a Creator-God, he is a Redeemer as well. The non-debate over macro-Evolution and Creationism is one in which no believer should question their position or belief. The text of Scripture is clear (despite the attempts of textual critics) as is the evidence found in Creation. Even if a believer doesn't understand the intricate debates in science over information origins, semiotics, or irreducible complexity (for a good start though, you can head over to AIG) every believer can be sure of the steadfast Word of the Lord and we have the answers therein that will destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God. Not relying on Scripture is like taking that Duct-Tape and placing it over our eyes, and certainly over our mouths. We should not be counted in the camp of evolution-politicians, and certainly not forget the incredible weight of a text that has stood longer than any other known to man. It is not an issue of pride, that we ourselves have the knowledge or, that we could have come to it without God's grace but, that it is secure for use. Delving first in Scripture and the delving of God's Creation as natural revelation, not the voting of politically motivated "science," should be our effort and argument. No believer should ever be sorry to be little Jack chopping at the thin and shallow root that holds Evolution in the clouds. That giant will fall even if Newsweek doesn't think so, or John Edwards, myself, you or, anyone silly enough to try and stand on the thing stalk of political science. Duct-tape in hand is nice but not helpful in this case.

PS: This article in no way disparages the use of Duct-tape. You should keep your Duct-Tape but for other things like, fixing car engines or, locking your bedroom door or, carefully preserving the bind on silly Newsweek magazines.

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